Vedanta Wisdom

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1. University research group.
It is proposed that the Vedanta Wisdom University start operations a with a Research wing. The team will look into details of how best this can be done, the scope of research, permissions to be obtained, etc. Mahesh Ursekar is coordinator for this

2. IT group
Helping with version 2 of the LMS

3. Admin Group Requirement
a) Sharing class quotes
Volunteers will be required to compile a list of quotes from her class
b) Choosing learning management courses
( going through the class material on YouTube & Facebook to pick up topics which will make for interesting courses like Bhagavad Gita in 20 sessions )
c) Any other avenue you think will help, please suggest
Bharat Lalwani Is coordinator

4. Marketing Group:
Working on developing the overall marketing strategy of the Vedanta Wisdom Trust; and developing and implementing strategies for topical objectives like promotion of classes, promotion of events and funds collection.

Work in social media platforms like YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn etc.
Omkar Patel is coordinator

5. Land acquisition
For land acqn and legal due diligence
1. 25 acres of land required. Land location preferable within 3 hours distance from Mumbai
2. Land cost approx 5-6 lakhs per acre
carried out.

6. Funds group
1. Innovative ways to collect funds from individual donors and corporates.
2. For CSR funds, commitment if any made by companies. If yes, name of the company/trust, name of the person and his designation, mobile no, telephone no and email Id and amount of commitment made.